Ayurvedic Care in Pregnancy and Lactation During Covid-19

(Last Updated On: March 08, 2021)

The novel Coronavirus pandemic is currently posing a threat worldwide. People with low immune resistance are more susceptible to this virus. But in certain conditions, like pregnancy and lactation, the resistance instincts are naturally low. India still hasn’t reached a stage where people can transfer or transmit antibodies to receive immunity from the virus. However, it is said that the ones who have recovered from the virus, have antibodies in their bodies which might ensure another layer of protection. WHO (World Health Organization) and ICMR-NIRRH (Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health) have some guidelines about the effect the virus has during pregnancy and lactation in women and the newborn child. It means that special attention is being given to children who are in their neonatal stage. Women during pregnancy and lactation can incorporate ayurvedic care in their daily lives in order to reduce susceptibility to Covid-19. This care should also be incorporated when the baby is in his neonatal stage.

1 - Daily gargles with salt and turmeric in hot water. This helps get rid of mucus accumulation in the throat and nasal passage. It also increases the immunity of the upper respiratory tract and can potentially block the entry of the virus. Another way would be to massage with eucalyptus oil.

2 - Smelling camphor and inhaling herbal smoke of Ajwain to help in curing coughs and nasal choking.

3 - There is no evidence that coronavirus is transmitted through breastfeeding. But as a precaution, a healthy diet should be maintained and food should be prepared in hygienic conditions.

4 - While breastfeeding, a mother should wear a medical mask if available, to reduce the possibility of droplets with COVID-19 being spread to her infant.

5 - A new mother should be counselled that the benefits of breastfeeding substantially outweigh the potential risks for transmission.

6 - Consuming a herbal decoction. Boil 1tsp dhania, 1tsp jeera, 1/2 tsp dry ginger, 2-3 black peppers in 4 cups of water. Filter the solution and drink daily to boost immunity.

7 - Meditate to maintain a positive and stress-free mind that could lead to psychological damage.

8 - Consult a gynaecologist immediately if symptoms like fever, running nose, headache, dry cough, loss of smell are shown.


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